Canadian Province and Metro Service
Data and forecasts for Canadian provinces and metropolitan areas.
Try for free
Our Canadian Province and Metro Service provides data and forecasts for a broad range of economic, demographic and household indicators for each location. Three alternative scenarios to the baseline forecast quantify the upside and downside risks for each province and metropolitan area. The datasets are accompanied by written analysis, webinars support from our regional experts.
Insights for Canadian provinces and metropolitan areas
Sub-national data and forecasts across Canada, covering all provinces and metropolitan areas.

Extensive datasets for each location
Data and forecasts for economic indicators such as GDP, employment, income and spending.

Long-term forecasts
All forecasts go forward to 2050 and are consistent with our macroeconomic and industry projections.

Regular updates and analysis
Quarterly updated data and forecasts, accompanied by written analysis highlighting key trends.

Compatibility with other services
Forecasts are fully consistent with our US state and metropolitan area datasets, and macro services.
Multiple scenarios
Three alternative scenarios for each location – a moderate upside, a moderate downside, and a severe downside.

Broad coverage
Data and forecasts are provided for a broad range of economic, demographic and housing indicators for each location, delivered via our web-based databank. The service covers all Canadian provinces and metropolitan areas.

Data consistency
Our forecasts are derived from a consistent set of global economic, industry and city models and will help you make better decisions faster about market and investment strategies.

Advanced analytical functions
- The web-based application provides a variety of data selection and personalisation features.
- A simple but powerful add-in enables access to the data directly from within Excel.
- Output options include tables, charts, maps and external infographic tools such as Power BI. Data is also available via data feed and API tools.

Canadian 2022 Themes: Economic recovery delayed not derailed
We don’t expect the economy to get back to its pre-virus trend in 2022, even with our forecast for strong 4.3% GDP growth.

“CMHC’s Stress Testing and ORSA team has started this year using Oxford Economics for the purpose of stress-testing. Our experience has been very positive. The software is sound, intuitive and user friendly. But most of all, it allows the user to understand the links between the variables and for a certain degree of customisation.”
Resources and events

Research Briefing
US and Canada housing affordability edged down in Q3

Research Briefing
Canadian recovery continuing despite bumps in the road

Research Briefing
Can Canadian households handle higher interest rates?

Research Briefing
Edmonton leads 2021 rebound, Toronto’s growth more moderate

Air travel recovery to resume in 2022 post-Omicron

UK Outlook: How many times will the MPC hike in 2022?

Has Asia’s inflation peaked?

The transformation of Japan from a goods to capital exporter

Canada Provincial Territorial Model Brochure
Request a Free Trial
Complete the form and we will contact you to set up your free trial. Please note that trials are only available for qualified users.
We are committed to protecting your right to privacy and ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. We will not share your personal information with other individuals or organisations without your permission.
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