United Arab Emirates

Gain insights into the latest macroeconomic developments for the UAE and neighbouring countries from experts on the ground.

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We combine local expertise with our global capabilities. Our dedicated team of Dubai-based economists and client service representatives enables us to understand the region and the needs of organisations that operate there. We cover 100 industrial sectors and 52 key cities across the Middle East and North Africa, providing in-depth socio- and macroeconomic insights.

Our solutions for the Middle East

Unrivalled economic insights and forecasts help our clients understand the local economy, industrial sectors and the implications of structural change.

Economic insights for the Middle East

Our forecasting service for the Middle East provides a comprehensive analysis of immediate and long-term economic prospects to inform investment strategies, expansion plans, and regional operations. We provide historical data, forecasts and commentary by country, industry sector and city.

Our Middle East experts

Our team of economists are dedicated to providing you with reliable, independent and forward-looking insights. We understand the trends that matter the most to you.

  • Scott Livermore – Chief Economist
  • Omneya Ramadan – Associate Director
  • Amy McAlister – Lead Economist
  • Maya Senussi – Senior Economist
  • Akanksha Samdani – Economist
Our client service experts

Our understanding of the Middle Eastern economy and the ability to provide organisations with the insights and trends that matter the most to them make us a trusted partner to many in the UAE and beyond.

  • Matthew Pritchard – Head of Business Development
  • Paul de Cintra – Business Development Director
  • Jasper Reimers – Senior Account Manager
  • Danish Shamsi – Senior Business Development Manager
  • Jordan Lockyer – Senior Business Development Manager
  • Raya Amin – Account Executive
  • Amir Mehdi – Customer Relationship Executive
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Related services

Flags of Middle East and North Africa countries
MENA Forecasting Service

Monitor the implications of economic and market developments in the MENA region.

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African and Middle Eastern Cities Forecasts
African and Middle Eastern Cities Forecasts

Comprehensive data and forecasts for major cities in Africa and the Middle East.

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Global Macro Service

Monitor macro events and their potential impact.

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Global Scenarios Service

Explore the implications of key risks to the world economy.

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“Working with the team is a real pleasure. I felt they were just as committed to the project as I was, both in terms of meeting the due dates and also delivering quality, well-written content. They were very communicative with the regular updates on process. Our survey was conducted at the height of the pandemic and the team proactively suggested adding new questions to address what was going on at that moment and delivering an intermediary report very quickly.”

Laurie Hawkins, Senior Director of Global Marketing

Contact us

If you would like to find out more about our services, please fill in the form and let us know a bit more about you and what you’re looking for. A member of the team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

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Our United Arab Emirates office

Our office in Dubai has a team of leading economists who understand the Middle East and the trends that matter the most.

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