Air passenger recovery to begin in earnest in 2022

New quarterly forecasts for major flows will be described in this look at the extent of the recovery in air passenger flows. Growth over the northern hemisphere summer months will be compared as well as the expected trends into 2022 and beyond. The implications of vaccination rates and associated policies will be described for a range of countries as we look ahead to continued recovery in international and domestic demand. Long-run demand and pricing effects will also be considered, including possible carbon price impacts.

Dave Goodger

Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA

Dave Goodger

Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA

Dave Goodger | Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA

Dave Goodger is Director of Tourism Economics, Europe. He has been instrumental in developing the global model of tourism flows and spending, which covers 185 origins and destinations, and he continues to manage the regular forecast updates. He also maintains an active role in new product development and consultancy work.


Stephen Rooney

Senior Economist

Stephen Rooney

Senior Economist

Stephen Rooney | Senior Economist

Since joining Tourism Economics in 2014, Stephen has contributed to the production of the company’s full complement of travel and tourism subscription services as well as a range of consultancy pieces. His remit currently includes the Air Passenger Forecasts service, which provides long-term forecasts of air passenger flows for almost 4,000 routes and total flows for 191 countries, as well as various other modelling to predict performance based on economic fundamentals and industry dynamics.

Ezgi Gulbas

Senior Economist, Airline Performance & Market Analysis at IATA

Ezgi Gulbas

Senior Economist, Airline Performance & Market Analysis at IATA

Ezgi Gulbas | Senior Economist, Airline Performance & Market Analysis at IATA

In her role as a senior economist, Ezgi is responsible for financial and market analysis of the airline industry to support IATA’s members and its advocacy. Her areas of expertise include financial modelling, macroeconomic analysis and forecasting.
Prior to joining IATA, she had a range of expertise within the financial sector. She worked as a senior economist in Sberbank and ING Bank. She also had an experience as an equity analyst covering multiple sectors, including oil & gas, retail, automotive in QNB Bank.

Arnaud Vanolli

Economist, Industry and Market Analysis at IATA

Arnaud Vanolli

Economist, Industry and Market Analysis at IATA

Arnaud Vanolli | Economist, Industry and Market Analysis at IATA

Arnaud’s key responsibilities as an economist specialized in Market Analysis include following the macroeconomic trends and drivers impacting the air passenger and cargo transport industry. Arnaud delivers economic briefings and passenger traffic forecasts which inform IATA’s stakeholders on the economic state of the industry. He also supports the Communication department at IATA for external queries and press releases related to Economics.

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