Boosting returns on EM bonds through term-premia

During this webinar, we highlight a simple trading rule we have developed internally based on the size of term-premia across 15 EMs, which can boost hedged and unhedged returns on local currency bonds without suffering much increase in volatility. Our main innovation comes in using a unique proprietary data set of vintages of Oxford Economics short-term interest rate forecasts for each of the last 45 quarters.

Please note that we will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between EMEA, the Americas and APAC:

  • APAC – Tuesday 5th October | 10:00 HKT
  • EMEA – Tuesday 5th October | 10:00 BST
  • Americas – Tuesday 5th October | 16:00 EDT

Gabriel Sterne

Head of Global Strategy Services and EM Macro Research

Gabriel Sterne

Head of Global Strategy Services and EM Macro Research

Gabriel Sterne | Head of Global Strategy Services and EM Macro Research

Gabriel delivers macro-economic products tailored for the financial markets, as Head of a team that integrates global strategy and EM macro views.  Recently he has published most on populism, demographics and other drivers of low global yields, and the evolution of global fragilities as expansions mature. On the EM side he is a global expert on sovereign crisis and debt restructuring issues.


Regis Chatellier

Director EM Strategy

Regis Chatellier

Director EM Strategy

Regis Chatellier | Director EM Strategy

Regis is a senior strategist in charge of global emerging markets. He covers the sovereign hard currency debt, FX and local rates markets, combining top-down macro research with bottom-up/quant modelling approaches. Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Regis worked for more than 20 years in investment banks. He did his studies at Sciences Po. Paris (Economics & Finance) and he holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Nantes.”

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