European tourism recovery and evolving trends – ETC 2021 Q3
European Tourism Trends & Prospects is a series of quarterly reports that offer a concise analysis of key economic and tourism trends in Europe and in relevant outbound markets. Quarterly reports are meant to provide the know-how necessary to monitor the short-term development of European tourism.
Please note that the webinar is hosted by ETC, with Tourism Economics.
Topic: In this quarterly webinar with ETC, we will explore the extent of the tourism recovery during summer 2021 and consider the extent to which this represents a return to pre-pandemic trends. Lasting changes in preferences and industry business, including the prospect of continued price discounting, will be explored.
- EMEA – Wednesday 20th October| 13:30 BST
Can’t make this time? Register anyway and we’ll send you the recording after the webinar automatically.

Dave Goodger
Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA

Dave Goodger
Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA
Dave Goodger | Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA
Dave Goodger is Director of Tourism Economics, Europe. He has been instrumental in developing the global model of tourism flows and spending, which covers 185 origins and destinations, and he continues to manage the regular forecast updates. He also maintains an active role in new product development and consultancy work.
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