European tourism recovery to continue apace in 2022 – ETC 2021 Q4 trends and prospects
European Tourism Trends & Prospects is a series of quarterly reports that offer a concise analysis of key economic and tourism trends in Europe and in relevant outbound markets. Quarterly reports are meant to provide the know-how necessary to monitor the short-term development of European tourism.
Cross-border travel recovery has stalled during winter months following the re-imposition of some travel restrictions and lockdown measures following the emergence of the Omicron variant. However, restrictions are not as limiting as in previous waves and will also be lifted sooner to allow a resumption of travel growth. In this webinar we will explore the latest data and travel trends, including prospects for the resumption of intra-European and long-haul travel with a focus on the expected importance of transatlantic travel for various destinations in coming years.
Note: The webinar is hosted by ETC, with Tourism Economics. Can’t make this time? Feel free to register anyways and we will automatically share the recording with you after the webinar has finished.

Dave Goodger
Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA

Dave Goodger
Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA
Dave Goodger | Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA
Dave Goodger is Director of Tourism Economics, Europe. He has been instrumental in developing the global model of tourism flows and spending, which covers 185 origins and destinations, and he continues to manage the regular forecast updates. He also maintains an active role in new product development and consultancy work.

Adam Sacks
President, Tourism Economics

Adam Sacks
President, Tourism Economics
Adam Sacks | President, Tourism Economics
Adam Sacks is the founder and President of Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics company dedicated to understanding the relationship between travel and the economy. For more than two decades, Adam has worked with destinations, industry associations, and companies around the world in the areas of opportunity and risk assessments, policy analysis, and economic impact.
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