Eurozone: A rebound in the second half of the year is still on the cards

The eurozone has been heavily affected by the pandemic crisis and the economic recovery remains highly linked to the health situation. We still expect a strong rebound in the second half of this year, with lockdown restrictions being gradually eased and activity picking up pace across all the sectors of the economy. Tourism activity will also resume in 2021, but remaining below pre-pandemic levels. However, the magnitude of the rebound will depend on the success of the vaccine campaigns across the bloc; ongoing obstacles to vaccine production and distribution represent major downside risks for the recovery at this time. On the other side, a potential strong rebound in private consumption could improve the boost later this year and in 2022.

We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between the Americas, APAC and EMEA:

  • EMEA – Wednesday 21st April | 10:00 BST
  • Americas – Wednesday 21st April | 16:00 EDT
  • APAC – Thursday 22nd April | 10:00 HKT

Nicola Nobile

Lead Economist

Nicola Nobile

Lead Economist

Nicola Nobile | Lead Economist

Nicola Nobile is a Lead Economist within the macroeconomics forecasting division of Oxford Economics.
He joined Oxford Economics in September 2012 in Oxford and now is the Chief Italian Economist, based in Milan. Nicola was educated at Bocconi University, Italy, where he gained a BA in Finance and a MSc in Economics.

Maddalena Martini


Maddalena Martini


Maddalena Martini | Economist

Maddalena is an Economist working in the European team. She is responsible for providing coverage of Portugal, Luxembourg and Mauritania in addition to working on thematic research pieces on the eurozone.

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