Global financial imbalances after the pandemic

One of the biggest yet least understood features of the world economy are the huge financial imbalances across countries. Over the past decades, international net foreign assets – foreign assets owned by residents, net of domestic assets owned by foreigners – have exploded, affecting current accounts, exchange rates, interest rates, and more. That’s why it’s paramount for policymakers and market participants to understand where NFAs are headed.

In this webinar, we discuss how demographic forces are a key factor that will cause tectonic shifts in the world’s global financial imbalances in the coming decades.

We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas:

  • APAC – Wednesday 21st July | 10:00 HKT
  • EMEA – Wednesday 21st July | 10:00 BST
  • Americas – Wednesday 21st July | 16:00 EDT

Daniel Harenberg

Lead Economist

Daniel Harenberg

Lead Economist

Daniel Harenberg | Lead Economist

Daniel is a Lead Economist working in Oxford Economics’ Thematic Research Team and the European Team. Based in our Frankfurt office, he works on long-term, structural economic questions and provides coverage for the Netherlands.
Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Daniel spent five years as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Center for Economic Research of ETH Zurich in Switzerland and at the Research Center SAFE of Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he used computationally intensive DSGE models to study investment, capital markets, and model uncertainty. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in economics from University of Mannheim and has published in leading international journals such as the International Economic Review and Quantitative Economics.

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