Global Outlook Conference Amsterdam
Oxford Economics invites you to attend our Global Outlook Conference to be held on Wednesday 16th November 2022 at the Rosarium Amstelpark Amsterdam.
09:00 am Registration and coffee
09:30 am Global & European Macro Outlook
Angel Talavera, Head of Europe Macro
10:30 am Coffee break
11:00 am European Industry & Sector Outlook
Sean Metcalfe, Senior Economist, Industry
12:00 pm Interactive lunch and networking
Will the Fed and ECB remain hawkish in the looming recession?
- The global economy may narrowly avoid falling into recession thanks to resilient emerging markets. But aggressive monetary policy tightening, limited fiscal support and the raging energy crisis will drag most advanced economies into a downturn.
- Europe and especially Germany are at the eye of the storm with energy-intensive industrial sectors facing a severe recession and a deeply uncertain longer-term outlook due to the likely lasting shift in gas prices. But easing supply bottlenecks and sky-high backlogs will dampen manufacturers’ overall production cuts.
- Central bank decisions are exclusively driven by inflation for now. But that singular focus will be much harder to sustain, once economies are in recession and signs of inflation peaks are proliferating. We see a dovish pivot latest by Q1 2023.
Rosarium Amstelpark Amsterdam
Amstelpark 1, Europaboulevard, 1083 HZ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Angel Talavera
Head of Europe, Macro
+44 (0) 203 910 8014

Angel Talavera
Head of Europe, Macro
London, United Kingdom
Ángel Talavera is Head of European Economics and is responsible for developing Oxford Economics’ macro view on the region, as well as producing macroeconomic forecasts for Spain. He manages a team of 12 economists producing regional and country-specific thematic research on over 30 countries, as well as contributing to the editorial line of Oxford Economics globally. Angel’s work also involves presenting the outlook to clients around the world and he is frequently quoted in international media.
Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Ángel spent over five years in two different stints as an economist at FocusEconomics, a Barcelona-based macroeconomic consulting firm. In between, he worked at Beazley Group, an insurance firm based in London, where he focused on country risk.

Sean Metcalfe
Associate Director
+44 (0) 203 910 8111

Sean Metcalfe
Associate Director
London, United Kingdom
Sean is an Associate Director on the Industry team, where he forecasts the utility sector, helps shape the team’s views on the Global Industrial outlook and oversees the climate-related enhancements being made to the Global Industry Model.
Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Sean spent two years working for RBB Economics as a competition economist. At RBB he was involved in the economic assessment of competition cases across a range of industries, including antitrust investigations in the telecommunications sector.
Sean holds an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from the University of York.

Angel Talavera
Head of Europe, Macro
+44 (0) 203 910 8014

Angel Talavera
Head of Europe, Macro
London, United Kingdom
Ángel Talavera is Head of European Economics and is responsible for developing Oxford Economics' macro view on the region, as well as producing macroeconomic forecasts for Spain. He manages a team of 12 economists producing regional and country-specific thematic research on over 30 countries, as well as contributing to the editorial line of Oxford Economics globally. Angel's work also involves presenting the outlook to clients around the world and he is frequently quoted in international media.
Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Ángel spent over five years in two different stints as an economist at FocusEconomics, a Barcelona-based macroeconomic consulting firm. In between, he worked at Beazley Group, an insurance firm based in London, where he focused on country risk.

Sean Metcalfe
Associate Director
+44 (0) 203 910 8111

Sean Metcalfe
Associate Director
London, United Kingdom
Sean is an Associate Director on the Industry team, where he forecasts the utility sector, helps shape the team’s views on the Global Industrial outlook and oversees the climate-related enhancements being made to the Global Industry Model.
Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Sean spent two years working for RBB Economics as a competition economist. At RBB he was involved in the economic assessment of competition cases across a range of industries, including antitrust investigations in the telecommunications sector.
Sean holds an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from the University of York.