Inflation risks and the global monetary boom

Are markets right to have become more nervous about inflation risks, and is the global monetary boom still no reason to panic? We examine these two linked questions, looking at the causes of current rapid money supply and credit growth, reassessing the arguments as to why this might not be a danger signal, and outlining our view on the extent of inflation risks over the next year or two.

Please note that we will be holding one webinar each for Americas, EMEA and APAC friendly timezones:

  • EMEA – Wednesday 14th April | 10:00 BST
  • Americas – Wednesday 14th April | 16:00 EDT
  • APAC – Thursday 15th April | 10:00 HKT

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Adam Slater | Lead Economist 

Adam Slater is a senior economist at Oxford Economics, responsible for contributing to and helping to communicate Oxford Economics’ global macroeconomic view, including writing for and helping edit regular publications. He has a particular interest in developments in financial markets, and a specific forecast interest in the Japanese economy. He is also involved in Oxford Economics’ work on a variety of consultancy projects.


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