Mid-cycle dynamics: Assessing the macro strategy implications

Topic: We discuss the implications of the Jackson Hole symposium, and recent developments for macro strategy themes. We focus on the outlook for developed market rates, bond yields and FX. With tempered volatility, we believe we have now set a floor for this year in various asset markets, including long-term yields and the US Dollar.

We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas:

  • APAC – Monday 20th September | 10:00 HKT
  • EMEA – Monday 20th September | 10:00 BST
  • Americas – Monday 20th September | 16:00 EDT

Javier Corominas

Director of Global Macro Strategy

Javier Corominas

Director of Global Macro Strategy

Javier Corominas | Director of Global Macro Strategy

Javier Corominas is the Director of Global Macro Strategy at Oxford Economics. He is co-responsible for global strategic asset allocation as well tactical calls across all asset classes, as well as for developing and delivering our investment strategy product offering. Additionally, he has a significant focus on providing thematic macro strategy research to generate actionable investment advice for asset allocators, portfolio managers and corporate Treasurers.

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