[Podcast] The Macrocast: April 2021

Episode 2 features discussions about inflation and secular stagnation (1:01), the latest on coronavirus developments (9:44), and lastly the causes and implications of hot housing markets in North America and the UK (17:16). Note: There is mild audio distortion in parts of the final discussion.  

About the Macrocast: Hosted by Julia Faurschou, each month we’ll discuss some of the key themes driving the macro economic agenda. Featuring interviews with top Oxford Economists, we’ll dig into our research pipeline to tell you what’s on our minds and what we’ll be writing about in the coming weeks. By tuning in each month, listeners will get an early picture of what to watch out for and the thinking behind our research. 

This Podcast is available to listen to now (on-demand, listen at your convenience) until 30th April 2021.

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