Eurozone key trends in 2022
The eurozone economy experienced a strong recovery this year in line with our expectations, and we expect another year of strong growth in 2022, as strong consumers and corporates take over the baton for growth from governments, as policy starts to shift from emergency support towards fiscal sustainability. But the European economy faces increasing headwinds going into the winter, which means a choppy recovery at the start of the year. A resurgence of Covid cases, high inflation and supply chains problems will continue to act as headwinds in the near term, but we expect these will gradually dissipate as we move further into 2022.
We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas:
- APAC – Wednesday 17th November | 10:00 HKT
- EMEA – Wednesday 17th November | 10:00 GMT
- Americas – Wednesday 17th November | 16:00 EST

Angel Talavera
Head of Europe Economics

Angel Talavera
Head of Europe Economics
Angel Talavera | Head of Europe Economics
Ángel is Head of European Economics and is responsible for developing Oxford Economics’ view on the region, as well as producing macroeconomic forecasts for Spain. He manages a team of economists producing regional and country-specific thematic research on over 30 countries, as well as contributing to the editorial line of Oxford Economics globally. Angel’s work also involves presenting the outlook to clients around the world and he is frequently quoted in international media.

Oliver Rakau
Chief German Economist

Oliver Rakau
Chief German Economist
Oliver Rakau | Chief German Economist
Oliver Rakau is Chief German Economist at Oxford Economics and responsible for forecasting and monitoring the German economy. Prior to joining the company, he has been a senior economist for Deutsche Bank Research in Frankfurt for over seven years primarily working on the German macroeconomy. Beyond the coverage of the German economy he provided insights on the global and European economy for the German speaking client base.
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