Understanding the climate risks faced by Africa
In this webinar, Francesca Jones will present Oxford Economics’ latest climate scenarios. The expanded country coverage offers an enhanced understanding of the climate risks faced by Africa.
Our findings show that Africa is responsible for a small proportion of global emissions, yet its economy is highly vulnerable to the negative consequences of climate change. A transition to a low carbon economy could support productivity growth through lower global temperatures and create significant investment opportunities due to the huge solar and geothermal potential in the region.
Note: Please note that we will be holding one webinar each for APAC, EMEA, and Americas friendly time zones. Can’t make it to any of the sessions? Feel free to register for any session and we will automatically share the recording with you 3 hours after the webinar has finished.

Francesca Jones
Senior Economist

Francesca Jones
Senior Economist
Francesca is a Senior Economist in the Stress testing, Scenarios and Modelling team. She has expertise in scenario modelling and analysis having worked on the Global Scenario Service, regulatory stress tests and bespoke scenario analysis. She also has experience building bespoke macroeconomic models. She currently specialises in climate change macroeconomics, working on the Global Climate Service and bespoke scenarios. Francesca holds an MSc in International Economics and Finance from the University of Surrey.

Felicity Hannon
Associate Director in the Climate Scenarios and Modelling Team

Felicity Hannon
Associate Director in the Climate Scenarios and Modelling Team
Felicity Hannon is an Associate Director in the Stress Testing, Scenarios and Modelling Team. During her time at Oxford Economics, Felicity has focused on macroeconomic modelling and scenario analysis aimed at quantifying the impacts of various exogenous shocks (e.g. Covid-19, trade tariffs). More recently, Felicity has used scenario analysis to quantify the economic impacts of mitigation policy and global warming. She has also overseen the expansion of the climate and electricity set up on the Global Economic Model. Previously, Felicity worked as a senior policy advisor at HM Treasury.
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