US macro, industries, and regions webinar – when strong demand meets limited supply
The economy’s hot summer has given way to cooler growth dynamics in the final weeks of 2021. Demand is strong, but supply is the problem as firms across industries face transportation bottlenecks, input shortages, high production costs, and hard times filling persistent job vacancies. Economic activity is advancing at various speeds across regions, with some hit harder by the Delta variant. Join us to learn what we think is in store for the US economy – with a focus on the path forward for industries – into the medium-term.

Oren Klachkin
Lead Economist

Oren Klachkin
Lead Economist
Oren Klachkin | Lead Economist
Oren covers sub-national US economic developments, provides analysis of high-frequency economic indicators and coordinates views across the US macro, industry and cities & regions teams. Prior to re-joining Oxford Economics in 2019, he worked as a Global Economist at Citi, an Economist at IHS Global Insight where he covered the MENA economies and as a Research Associate at ConvergEx Group where he analyzed developments in capital markets.

Mark Killion
Director of US Industry

Mark Killion
Director of US Industry
Mark Killion |Director of US Industry
Mark Killion, CFA, is Director of US. Industry at Oxford Economics, with extensive experience in research and modeling for economics and finance, also skilled in the presentation of insightful conclusions and strategies. Killion brings value to companies and governments by developing state-of-the-art products that use innovative metrics to reliably forecast market conditions, and benchmark business performances.
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