What should be an appropriate carbon price in the wake of COP26
Arguably, carbon prices are currently too low and we should be pricing carbon much more aggressively. In this webinar, James Nixon will review the existing estimates and methodologies with a view to gauging how high carbon prices might need to go in order to limit global warming in line with the Paris agreement. He will also consider some of the implications and outcomes of the recent COP26 in Glasgow.
Please note that we will be holding one webinar each for APAC, EMEA and Americas friendly time zones:
- APAC – Tuesday 23rd November | 10:00 HKT
- EMEA – Tuesday 23rd November | 10:00 GMT
- Americas – Tuesday 23rd November | 16:00 EST

James Nixon
Head of Thematic Research

James Nixon
Head of Thematic Research
James Nixon | Head of Thematic Research
James is Head of Thematic Research at Oxford Economics and is responsible for delivering in-depth analysis to inform OE’s long-term economic forecasts.
He brings to Oxford Economics extensive experience having worked both in the private and public sector. James oversaw the international forecast at the Bank of England and was forecast coordinator at the European Central Bank, presenting the respective staff forecasts to the policy making committees of both institutions. He was for seven years Chief European Economist at Société Générale and was most recently Chief Economist at TheCityUK, where he undertook extensive work on the economic impact of Brexit. He holds a PhD in applied macro-econometric modelling from the University of London and a degree in Natural Science. James has a keen interest in resource constraints and the limits they imply for growth. His current research interests include the economic impact of climate change and the clean energy transition. Previously James was Chief European Economist at OE where his European team won the Focus Economics’ award for most accurate European forecasts for three consecutive years.
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