When will supply chain pain recede, and what lessons can businesses learn?
Topic: After an initial strong recovery from the pandemic, global industry has been hamstrung by supply chain disruptions even as demand remains robust. It currently seems that as soon as one bottleneck on production is relieved, another appears. How are these inter-related disruptions cascading? Is there any relief in sight? This webinar will seek to provide clarity into these and other important questions, featuring the latest economic updates, qualitative insight from recent executive interviews, and short- and long-term takeaways and solutions for executives.

Ben May
Director of Global Macroeconomic Research

Ben May
Director of Global Macroeconomic Research
Ben May | Director of Global Macroeconomic Research
Ben May is a Director of Global Macroeconomic Research at Oxford Economics and is involved in the production and presentation of the company’s global macroeconomic views, with a leading role in our coverage of the advanced economies. Ben joined Oxford Economics in April 2014. He has over 15 years’ experience as a macro economist in the public and private sector and has over a decade’s expertise covering the Eurozone economy. Before joining the Global Macro team, Ben worked on the Eurozone team at Oxford Economics. In addition to his working covering broad Eurozone issues he was also responsible for research on the ECB and Germany.

Ben Wright
Senior Research Manager, Thought Leadership

Ben Wright
Senior Research Manager, Thought Leadership
Ben Wright | Senior Research Manager, Thought Leadership
Ben Wright supports global research studies for the Thought Leadership group. A member of the team since 2014, Ben has developed and supported projects on subjects including cloud computing, workforce development, risk management, and the future of money. As a New York-based Associate Editor, Ben is involved in all aspects of the research process, from development and research of proposals, to survey drafting and analysis, to publicizing deliverables through social media and infographics. Ben’s experience in both design and writing allows him to work seamlessly between the two realms to communicate Oxford Economics’ research and expertise in the clearest and most effective manner.

Alexandra Hermann
Senior Economist, Industry

Alexandra Hermann
Senior Economist, Industry
Alexandra Hermann | Senior Economist, Industry
Alexandra is a Senior Economist on the Industry team where she is responsible for sectoral forecasts for the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry and helps develop the team’s view on the global industrial outlook. She also supports bespoke industry consulting projects across a range of sectors such as chemicals, machinery, and energy. Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Alexandra worked as an economic consultant for Cornerstone Research for over two years. At Cornerstone Research, she was involved in conducting qualitative research and quantitative analyses to support expert testimony in high-stakes litigation cases across a variety of sectors including energy, pharmaceuticals, and financial markets.
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