Events and Webinars

We run a worldwide programme of insightful conferences, roundtables, webinars and podcasts presented by our economic experts.


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The worst is likely over, but growth will be subdued

with Daniel Kral, Rory Fennessy, Lawrence Harper-Scott and Nico Palesch | Online | April 28, 2023

The Nordic economies are particularly exposed to high inflation and rising rates, given the high indebtedness of their private sectors and prevalence of variable rate loans. Activity has so far surprised on the upside in early 2023, but tight financial conditions and depressed real incomes will weigh on growth later this year and into 2024. In this webinar, we will address the main drivers of the near-term outlook, namely the impact of inflation and monetary policy tightening on the real economy and the banking sectors, as well as our view on Nordic industry, commercial real estate and cities performance.

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Crises and opportunities in Africa

with Irmgard Erasmus and Maya Senusi | Online | April 27, 2023

We draw global and country-specific implications for the current wave of sovereign crises, stressing implications for debt sustainability and sovereign bonds. We focus on three African economies (Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria).

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The outlook for cities as the world addresses climate change

with Anthony Light and Mark Britton | Online | April 26, 2023

The impact of policies to address climate change will have an uneven impact on local economies, due to their unique industrial composition and vulnerability to climate events. In this webinar, we will answer the following questions: how big an impact will policies to tackle climate affect economic growth in cities? Which cities will be most affected, and will there be winners as well as losers? What impact will climate transition policies have on subnational growth disparities?

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Cities back in fashion as travel destinations – the return of business and leisure travel

with Dave Goodger, Kieran Ferran and Emma Laverty | Online | April 24, 2023

2023 is set to mark a return to pre-pandemic levels of travel activity worldwide, with the continued renaissance in international activity catching up with the domestic recovery. While many rural destinations remain popular, city travel is once again becoming a popular choice. This will be discussed in this session including the importance of returning business and event travel.

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Global Climate Service: Divergent policies & the cost of uncoordinated action

with David Winter, Sean Metcalfe and Felicity Hannon | Online | April 20, 2023

This quarter our new scenario – Divergent Net Zero – demonstrates the cost of uncoordinated policy action. Divergence in mitigation policy across sectors results in a higher burden on consumers relative to industry. In this webinar we present detailed results at the macro and industry level, leveraging our new Industry Climate Service, which quantifies the impacts of climate scenarios on economic activity and energy consumption at the industry level.

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European Travel Trends & Outlook – focus on the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

with Dave Goodger, Jennifer Iduh and Chloe Parkins | Online | April 20, 2023

It has now been over a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and war continues with no clear or immediate end in sight - impacting on a wide range of economic activities and countries. In this session we will explore the impact of the ongoing conflict, and related policies on travel and especially for European destinations and implications for recovery. Other travel trends and performance will also be discussed.

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Outlook Eurozona e Italia

with Nicola Nobile and Paolo Grignani | Online | April 18, 2023

Le ultime settimane hanno visto un calo dell’inflazione ma il taglio della produzione di petrolio deliberato dall’OPEC+ indica che la crisi energetica non è stata del tutto superata. Nuovi rischi per l’economia italiana e dell’Eurozona arrivano dal settore finanziario, con sullo sfondo la guerra in Ucraina che sembra lontana da una soluzione. In Italia tiene banco la questione dell’utilizzo dei fondi del PNNR , mentre i dati ad alta frequenza indicano un inizio d’anno migliore delle attese.

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The short-term outlook for the world’s largest cities

with Aedan McCotter, Anthony Light, Dmitriy Gruzinov and Scott McEwan | Online | April 13, 2023

The economic outlook for 2023 is a little brighter than it was at the start of the year, although recent developments in the banking sector add to downside risks. And labour markets in many major cities are set for a tough year with jobs growth slowing. Following the publication of our latest city forecasts, in this webinar we will discuss the short term employment outlook for major cities in North America, Europe and Asia.

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Banking sector stress increases the risk of a hard landing

with Oren Klachkin and Ryan Sweet | Online | April 12, 2023

Any hope of a soft landing has been squashed by the recent spike in banking sector stress, increasing our conviction that the US economy will suffer a mild recession. The worst of the damage will come in the second half of the year as high inflation, tight Fed policy, and tighter financial conditions drag down activity. Tune in to our quarterly outlook webinar to find out how severe the damage will be.

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Latin America’s exposure to an asset crash scenario

with Marcos Casarin and Joan Domene | Online | March 30, 2023

The failure of regional banks in the US did not change our baseline forecast for asset prices, central bank policy or the real economy in Latin America. But it was a reminder that the Fed could cause accidents along the way in its fight against inflation and Latin America could become a casualty in the process. Marcos Casarin and Joan Domene will provide an update on the outlook and risks for the region with a focus on its two largest economies, Brazil and Mexico.

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Commodities demand: China to the rescue?

with Toby Whittington, Diego Cacciapuoti, Kiran Ahmed and Stephen Hare | Online | March 23, 2023

China’s abrupt reopening caused commodity prices to jump earlier this year but questions remain about the strength of its recovery. We examine the extent to which China will support commodity demand this year whilst also discussing the supply-side outlook in commodity markets and implications for prices.

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Brighter skies ahead for global air passenger demand

with Stephen Rooney and Paulos Ashebir Lakew | Online | March 21, 2023

While the economic slowdown is weighing on air passenger demand growth in advanced economies, excess savings will continue to allow realisation and prioritisation of some lingering pent-up demand. Domestic passenger volumes are expected to return to pre-pandemic levels this year in a number of markets, including the US. Growth will now be more evident for emerging markets, and notably for China with a clear timeline for re-opening now established and some uptick in outbound travel demand already evident as a result.

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Financial stresses add to the downside risks to world growth

with Ben May and Innes McFee | Online | March 20, 2023

We’ve recently revised up our world GDP growth forecast for 2023 modestly and continue to see only modest recessions at worst in key advanced economies. The recent failures of Silvergate Capital and Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) have nonetheless highlighted the risk of a more substantive and disorderly further tightening in financial conditions which could in turn have adverse spillovers to the real economy. In this webinar, we set out why we have kept our baseline forecasts unchanged in response to these recent events and set out what we would need to see from here to trigger a substantive downward revision to our baseline forecasts.

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Global Construction Futures – global construction up US$4.2 trillion by 2037

with Graham Robinson, Jeremy Leonard, James (Aon), Tariq (Aon) and Bob (Aon) | Online | March 16, 2023

As China pivots from its Zero Covid policy and with growth in the US and most European markets expected to be negative or flatlining this year – what are the medium- and longer-term futures for the global construction industry? We expect growth engines to drive global construction up US$4.1 trillion by 2037. Global Construction Futures is the next in a series of global forecasts for construction to be published by Oxford Economics with the support of the global Construction and Infrastructure leadership team at Aon. Global Construction Futures will be launched on 16 March 2023 to a global construction industry audience. Oxford Economics will present the key highlights from the forecasts for construction and a panel of industry leaders will give their perspectives on the global construction market.

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Global industry in for weak 2023 even with China’s reopening

with Jeremy Leonard and Nico Palesch | Online | March 15, 2023

We will present an overview and the highlights of our latest quarterly industry forecast update. Key topics include the stronger-than-expected end to 2022, the end of China's zero-Covid policy, positive developments in Europe with respect to energy prices and supply, and how the evolution of inflation and interest rates will keep industrial prospects weak in the coming months.

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Global scenarios: Policy peril

with Jamie Thompson and Manuela Kiehl | Online | March 13, 2023

This webinar examines the key insights from our latest Global Scenarios Service, including the sensitivity of monetary policy and economic activity to near-term price developments. We highlight in particular the potential implications for the global economy of a stronger Chinese recovery and higher-than-expected inflation.

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China: After the Two Sessions

with Louise Loo and Lloyd Chan | Online | March 10, 2023

The annual “Two Sessions” in China this year will see a change in personnel at the top levels, potential changes to party restructuring and major financial regulators, as well as the unveiling of key economic targets for 2023, amid the fierce confluence of domestic and external headwinds. Longer-term structural challenges, including China’s growth model transition and ageing demographics, will also dominate policy discussions. This webinar will focus on the implications of these policy announcements on our China macro outlook, and discuss the risks to our forecasts.

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