Events and Webinars

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Showing 341-360 of 614
The Unbearable Uncertainty of Chinese Outbound Travel

with Dave Goodger and Michael Shoory | Online | December 1, 2022

With China having been largely closed for almost three years, due to travel restrictions as part of the Government's 'zero-covid' policy, global tourism destinations eagerly await the resumption of visits from China. Having been the largest global source market for tourism spending before the pandemic, the resumption of Chinese outbound travel is crucial for the industry's recovery. This webinar will discuss current expectations and uncertainty around the timing for Chinese outbound travel recovering, and what it means for recovery of tourism for many destinations.

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Will Asia construction remain the victor amid escalating construction costs and the growing risk of global recession?

with April Skinner and Nicholas Fearnley | Online | November 30, 2022

While Asia has seen a surge in construction activity following the gradual fading in Covid restrictions across the region, there still remains a significant backlog of projects yet to be completed. Supply chain issues and consequent escalating construction costs has not only pushed out construction timelines but has seen the destruction of construction demand. The sector is at risk of further headwinds, with the cooling in external demand and increased risk of global recession. In this webinar we will discuss the outlook for construction activity in Asia including the risks and implications of increasing construction costs and global recession.

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Key themes for 2023 in Latin America

with Marcos Casarin, Felipe Camargo, Joan Domene and Debora Reyna | Online | November 28, 2022

We expect Latin American economies will be among the first to cut interest rates next year, but we also see the region falling into a shallow recession early in 2023. These, alongside the expectation that fiscal policy will feature more prominently in the debate, are amongst the key themes we believe will shape next year's economic outlook for Latin America.

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Les économies européenne et mondiale face à l’hiver et aux banques centrales

with Riccardo Marcelli Fabiani and Pierre Delage | Online | November 22, 2022

L’économie française et européenne font face à la double menace des pressions inflationnistes et de la crise énergétique, avec des perspectives globales négatives aux US et en Chine. Le scénario global d’une croissance prise entre stagflation et resserrement monétaire font crainde une récession dans les pays avancés.

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US macro, industries, and metro outlook – Economy will soon enter a recession

with Oren Klachkin and Barbara Byrne Denham | Online | November 18, 2022

The Fed’s aggressive rate hikes and the recent tightening in financial market conditions will drive the US economy into a mild recession in 2023. Higher borrowing costs will weigh on corporate profits, hiring, and business investment. The consumer won’t be immune to an increase in the unemployment rate and reduction in excess savings. The recession will be a garden variety downturn because there are no glaring imbalances. Tune in to learn where the US economy is headed in 2023 – with a focus on the path forward for US metros.

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The threat to world growth from property markets

with Innes McFee and Adam Slater | Online | November 17, 2022

With world property markets starting to weaken, we examine how large a downturn is likely, what factors will be key to determining the extent of the downturn (over time and across economies), and what the impact of property market weakness could be on world GDP growth.

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Asian Economic Outlook for 2023

with Arup Raha and Gabriel Sterne | Online | November 16, 2022

Asian economies are no strangers to economic shocks but this time is different. In particular, China’s growth has faltered, the Fed is raising rates, and energy prices are high. This combination is unprecedented. Moreover, there is limited counter-cyclical policy space. Arup Raha will present the Asia team’s outlook on the upcoming year – the likely outcomes and main risks.

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Africa in 2023

with Callee Davis and Jacques Nel | Online | November 15, 2022

The global economy is on the cusp of a recession. A number of African economies have historically been able to shrug off an unfavourable external backdrop, but a marked tightening in global financial conditions will make this time more challenging. In this session we will give our view on how 2023 will unfold on the continent and what we should, and shouldn’t, expect.

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Gas crisis threatens industries in Europe

with Sean Metcalfe and Nico Palesch | Online | November 8, 2022

Skyrocketing gas prices in Europe are expected to weigh on economic activity across the region this winter. Join Sean Metcalfe and Nico Palesch as they explore European vulnerabilities from a sectoral perspective using a series of industry-level energy indicators that have recently been added to the Global Industry Service.

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Post-election scenarios for Brazil

with Marcos Casarin and Felipe Camargo | Online | October 28, 2022

Brazil's presidential election will be decided on October 29 in a runoff between left-wing former president Lula da Silva (PT) and far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro (PL). We think that a Lula victory could be a best-case scenario for investors, as the charismatic, progressive leader will have to reach consensuses with a conservative congress to pass legislation, reducing the risks of radical policy changes.

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A Globally Tight Supply Chain; what could it mean for your demand and supply?

with Darren Anderson and Caroline Franklin | Online | October 27, 2022

The global trade market has undergone a significant upheaval in the past three years, but in a largely synchronous fashion with what was first a global slowdown in spending and then a rapid uptick in consumer goods and building materials. A third wave appears on the horizon as central banks are consciously seeking to temper demand.

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Canada Economic Outlook: Recession looks unavoidable

with Tony Stillo and Michael Davenport | Online | October 27, 2022

Canada's economy has already weakened and a moderate recession is now inevitable. Overly aggressive monetary policy tightening, a deepening housing correction, falling real incomes, and looming recessions in the US, UK, and Eurozone will push Canada into a downturn this fall.

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Nordic outlook: A difficult winter ahead

with Rory Fennessy, Lawrence Harper - Scott, Alexandra Hermann and Daniel Kral | Online | October 26, 2022

After a strong first half of the year, the Nordic economies have a difficult winter ahead amid high inflation, monetary policy tightening, and softening activity. In this webinar, we will discuss the macroeconomic outlook for this winter and beyond, as well as our view on Nordic industry and cities performance.

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Climate change: The big hairy audacious problem… with the big hairy questions

with Felicity Hannon, Jake Kuyer, Bethan Jewsbury, Richard Holt and Adrian Cooper | Online | October 26, 2022

Climate change is here. And (almost) everyone accepts that urgent and transformational action is necessary by policymakers and organisations to understand and mitigate its impact. But it’s a larger, broader and more complex challenge than any other we’ve faced in modern times, and many organisations are struggling to decide where to start, let alone what to do. There are definitely more questions than answers. We have brought together experts from across Oxford Economics to discuss some of the questions they have been asked recently.

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Untangling the African political economy patchwork

with Pieter Scribante and Jacques Nel | Online | October 25, 2022

The African policy environment is volatile and difficult to predict due to complex interconnections between politics and economics. By using political economy risk tools, we can better understand where we could see the most severe policy volatility and what direction this policy might take. In this session we explore the findings of our updated political economy framework. These findings include in what way the nature of challenges to government supremacy matter – challenges by civil society (South Africa, Botswana, and Mauritius) have qualitatively different outcomes to challenges by the military or armed groups (Mozambique, Libya, and Ethiopia) – and how elections feed into policy decisions.

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Middle East: Interest rates, exchange rates and oil – economic outlook to remain robust

with Scott Livermore | Online | October 24, 2022

The Middle East has been the fastest growing region globally this year, defying inflation pressures. Quite a few economies, particularly in the GCC, are still doing well and this relative outperformance should continue in 2023. However, the worsening global backdrop (namely recessions in the US and the EU) will increasingly weigh on regional growth momentum even as disinflation takes hold.

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EMs vulnerable but far from the epicentre of the global storm

with Lucila Bonilla and Maya Senussi | Online | October 21, 2022

Growth in EMs faces intensifying headwinds but to a lesser extent than in advanced economies. Although the medium-term outlook looks weaker compared to last month, we expect pace of growth to slow only slightly in 2023 – backstopped by Asia’s protracted recovery. Several other factors will help mitigate risks: monetary policies having been ahead of the curve, overall resilience in the terms of trade, and a less sharp depreciation against the US dollar compared to other advanced economies.

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Why the US neutral rate will fall below pre-pandemic lows

with Ben May and Daniel Harenberg | Online | October 20, 2022

With US policy rates rising until inflation is clearly under control, we ask what will happen once inflation normalizes. To help answer this, we estimated the US neutral interest rate and the extent to which it has shifted due to fundamental, structural forces. We find that the neutral rate, having fallen strongly since 1970, will remain low through 2050, and we explain and quantify how nine secular forces are behind this.

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European travel recovery despite looming recession – ETC 2022 Q3 trends and prospects

with Dave Goodger, Jennifer Iduh and Chloe Parkins | Online | October 20, 2022

Strong rebound in travel continued during 2022 summer months across European destinations, despite economic slowdown. The region now sits on the brink of recession and we will explore how much this is expected to affect travel prospects for the remainder of the year, and into 2023, as well as the impact of currency shifts and potential for recovery in demand from some long-haul markets which are likely to re-open.

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