Events and Webinars

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Showing 401-420 of 614
European travel recovery is underway despite risks – ETC 2022 Q2 trends and prospects

with Dave Goodger, Tourism Economics and Jennifer Iduh, ETC | Online | June 24, 2022

High inflation, including rising travel costs, and staff shortages are the two major risks threatening the ongoing recovery in European travel in 2022. In this session we will provide an overview of current trends and the outlook for European travel recovery this year. Within this, we will share the likely impacts from these headwinds as well as explaining why we believe these effects will be temporary and won’t derail growth, as well as the likelihood of more adverse outcomes.

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Inflation et croissance, meilleures ennemies ?

with Daniela Ordonez and Pierre Delage | Online | June 23, 2022

Tirée par le conflit Ukrainien et le confinement Chinois, la vague inflationniste est partie pour durer. Mais jusqu’à quand? L’impulsion donnée par la fin (temporaire) du Covid sera-t-elle suffisante pour soutenir la croissance, en France et dans le monde, alors que les politiques monétaires se resserrent et la confiance chute ?

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Outlook Eurozona e Italia: situazione attuale e fattori di rischio

with Nicola Nobile and Riccardo Marcelli Fabiani | Online | June 23, 2022

Una situazione geopolitica ancora instabile, i rischi di una recessione sempre più concreti e il cambio di passo della BCE per quanto riguarda i tassi e gli acquisti di titoli di stato aggiungono fattori di rischio per un’economia che sta dando segni di rallentamento e che si deve confrontare con un’inflazione che non accenna a calmarsi.

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The Impact of Climate Change on Food Prices: Evidence from Southeast Asia

with Tom Rogers and James Lambert | Online | June 23, 2022

Tom Rogers (Head of Macro Consulting, Asia) will discuss our recent work with Food Industry Asia, looking at the impact of climate change on food prices. Tom will look at how Southeast Asia’s climate has changed – and will continue to do so, the econometric evidence about the impact to prices from historic and future warming, the potential cost to food prices from a successful net-zero transition, and what governments can do to protect consumers.

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Inflation and growth, best enemies?

with Daniela Ordonez and Florent Guillarme | Online | June 22, 2022

The Ukrainian conflict and the Chinese lockdowns have propped up inflationary pressures, which are clearly here to stay. But until when? Will the boost given by the (temporary) end of Covid be enough to support global growth while monetary policies tighten and confidence plummets?

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Eurozone outlook: Between recession risks and a booming summer

with Angel Talavera and Tomas Dvorak | Online | June 22, 2022

The list of risks facing the eurozone economy continues to grow. With inflation being stronger and more entrenched that previously expected, the ECB will be forced to implement a stronger monetary tightening. Meanwhile, the industrial sector continues to reel from persistent supply chain issues while consumers are suffering a massive hit to real incomes as a result of the inflation surge. Simultaneously, some sectors of the economy continue to outperform, with services, and in particular the outlook for the tourism sector looking bright ahead of the summer season.

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UK Outlook: Where does the MPC go from here?

with Andrew Goodwin | Online | June 21, 2022

Inflation is on course to top 10% in October when the energy price cap rises again, and consumers face the biggest fall in real incomes for 80 years. Despite strong pushback from the MPC, markets expect the Committee to ultimately prove more concerned about high inflation than potential recession, and price a series of rate hikes through the rest of this year. In this webinar we will look at the main messages from June’s MPC meeting and assess what they mean for the future path of interest rates.

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Middle East: Regional growth trends in an inflationary world

with Scott Livermore | Online | June 20, 2022

Inflation has not been a major concern for GCC commodity exporters, containing pressure on domestic demand, but like everywhere else, consumer prices are rising. In this webinar, we will place regional trends in the global context and discuss the challenges the current period of higher inflation may pose to the otherwise positive outlook.

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Recession risks in Latin America

with Marcos Casarin and Gabriel Sterne | Online | June 20, 2022

Latin America was one of the regions most affected by the current wave of imported inflation. And with all five major central banks bound to miss their inflation targets for three years in a row in 2021-23, policy rates have been increased significantly, taking real rates to multi-year highs everywhere. Partly as a result of this abrupt monetary tightening we expect four of the six largest economies in the region to enter technical recessions in the next 12 months.

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Tight supply supports energy, demand concerns weigh on metals

with Kiran Ahmed, Toby Whittington and Stephen Hare | Online | June 17, 2022

With the Russia-Ukraine conflict showing little sign of ending, concerns about supply continue to dominate energy markets – the EU is ratcheting up pressure on Russia, while Russia has in turn cut off gas supply to several countries. The focus in metals markets has shifted towards concerns about demand amid the slowdown in China. In this webinar we explore the impact of these developments on commodity prices and discuss key risks to our forecasts.

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Global Economic Outlook Webinar: Will high inflation halt the recovery?

with Ben May | Online | June 16, 2022

The global economy has started 2022 on a distinctly soft note and uncertainties over the economic fallout from the Ukraine war, high inflation and activity restrictions continue to cloud the nearer-term outlook. While recession risks have certainly grown over recent months, we continue to remain cautiously optimistic about the economic recovery. In this webinar, we provide an overview of our latest assessment of the global economic outlook.

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Where is the travel recovery headed – global tourism outlook update

with Dave Goodger and Helen McDermott | Online | June 14, 2022

The post pandemic travel recovery is well underway in 2022 despite disruption related to the war in Ukraine as well as continued travel restrictions in some countries and most notably in China which is still pursuing a zero-covid policy. We will describe our latest forecast update, including the effect of recent events and will explore the potential impacts of related price increases on travel recovery, including the impact on average tourism spending patterns.

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Global scenarios – War Disruption

with Jamie Thompson and Alex Mackle | Online | June 13, 2022

This webinar examines the key insights from our Q2 Global Scenarios Service. Our latest scenarios quantify key risks to the global economy, including from severe war disruption and the pandemic.

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Fed still has a good chance of navigating a soft landing

with Kathy Bostjancic and Lydia Boussour | Online | June 9, 2022

The Federal Reserve fell behind the inflation curve and now is committed to aggressively front-loading policy tightening, which is helping to send recession odds higher. We will discuss when they are likely to scale back on the tightening and the unique dynamics in this expansion that give the Federal Reserve a fighting chance to achieve a soft landing.

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Will Asia construction survive rising construction costs?

with April Skinner, Dr Nicholas Fearnley and Luka Raznatovic | Online | June 7, 2022

The construction sector has seen a surge in activity following the gradual fading in Covid restrictions across different countries. However, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and continued lockdowns in China have further exacerbated supply chain constraints and increasing construction costs. In this webinar we will discuss the outlook for construction activity in Asia including the risks and implications of increasing construction costs.

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Quarterly Business Credit Review Q1 2022

with Brodie Oldham, Experian and Oren Klachkin, Oxford Economics | Online | June 1, 2022

Attend the Quarterly Business Credit Review webinar where we share and discuss critical insights in the latest Main Street Report with the economists from Oxford Economics.

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Africa’s ability to adapt in a changing landscape

with Jacques Nel and Greg Struyweg | Online | May 31, 2022

Relations between Russia and the West have changed irreversibly. This will have a lasting impact on the global economy. The outlook for a number of commodities has changed fundamentally. Economic structure may be destiny: Algeria received an unexpected reprieve at a moment that otherwise looked threatening, whereas the picture for energy-importing Tunisia is suddenly bleaker than ever. This webinar looks at which African countries have the economic structures to make the best of the situation. We also look at where institutional factors will play either a positive or negative role in this transition - highly centralised and personalised systems, in which popular anger can be focussed narrowly, are more fragile than democratic and liberal ones in which hardship is experienced as impersonal.

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Frontier market turmoil: Argentina’s value, Sri Lanka’s crisis, Egyptian FX worries

with Gabriel Sterne, Regis Chatellier and Maya Senussi | Online | May 24, 2022

Frontier markets will continue to be volatile in the near term, but bond valuations are attractive with plenty of arbitrage opportunities. We see value in Argentine bonds, as the country should benefit from higher commodity prices and liquidity risks are contained; we focus on the light at the end of Sri Lanka’s tunnel, with markets failing to price in the possibility of a successful IMF program; and also our concerns that further depreciation may be consistent with Egyptian stabilisation efforts.

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España y Europa en la encrucijada

with Angel Talavera | Online | May 23, 2022

Aunque las perspectivas de crecimiento para este año siguen siendo relativamente robustas, la recuperación se enfrenta a una serie creciente de riesgos. La alta inflación, los problemas en las cadenas de subministro, la volatilidad en los mercados y la inminente subida de tipos están causando una preocupación creciente sobre los riesgos de recesión en Europa. Analizaremos las perspectivas para la economía europea y española en este entorno crecientemente volátil.

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