Events and Webinars

We run a worldwide programme of insightful conferences, roundtables, webinars and podcasts presented by our economic experts.


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Showing 461-480 of 614
The economic implications of Russia’s full-scale invasion

with Tatiana Orlova and Innes McFee | Online | February 25, 2022

In this webinar, we will assess the implications of the Russian invasion, including via our revised model-based forecast. We will explore the potential impact of higher European gas, oil and food prices over the medium term, as well as more financial market disruption and greater global sanctions on Russia. From an economic perspective, the biggest loser (other than Ukraine) looks set to be Russia. Submit your questions to our economists via the chat panel during an extended Q&A at the end of the session.

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Rising risk of a higher inflation ‘regime’

with Ben May and Adam Slater | Online | February 17, 2022

We outline why the risk of a shift to a higher inflation regime, featuring inflation at 4% or more in the advanced economies for several years, has increased - and what we now think the probability of that risk is. We examine factors such as monetary growth, supply shocks, the broadness of price pressures, labour market developments and inflation expectations. We also look at some cross-country differences and recent changes in central bank behaviour.

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Will overtourism problems return for cities?

with Dave Goodger and Kieran Ferran | Online | February 15, 2022

Prior to the pandemic, overtourism was among the biggest concerns for city destinations. Travel volumes have since fallen sharply but there has also been a clear shift in demand preferences towards more rural or coastal destinations. We will consider the extent to which this may persist in coming years as both leisure and business travel recovers and the implications for major city destinations.

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Has Asia’s inflation peaked?

with Priyanka Kishore and Sung-Eun Jung | Online | February 11, 2022

CPI inflation is on a uptrend in Asia, but to a lesser degree than the rest of the world. However, with producer prices continuing to increase at a strong pace, concerns of knock on impact on retail inflation have risen. In this webinar, we investigate the likelihood of PPI to CPI passthrough across Asia and what that implies for our inflation forecasts.

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UK Outlook: How many times will the MPC hike in 2022?

with Andrew Goodwin | Online | February 10, 2022

Though the impact of Omicron looks set to be small and short-lived, the UK economy faces strong headwinds from high inflation and tighter fiscal and monetary policy. In this webinar we will consider how these headwinds will impact on the growth outlook and assess whether markets are correct in anticipating a very aggressive policy response from the BoE.

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Global construction sector continuing to rebound in 2022

with Nicholas Fearnley | Online | February 8, 2022

Globally, the value of Construction Work Done is continuing to rebound following the Covid disruption, supported by government stimulus which is being targeted in different ways across different countries. The outbreak of the omicron variant and the Evergrande default, however, weigh over the near-term outlook. In this webinar we present our key findings of the distribution and outlook of construction activity across sectors and countries. We will also discuss our plans for the service, including further developments that will be launched over the coming year.

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CEE Key Themes 2022 – In for an eventful year

with Tomas Dvorak and Mateusz Urban | Online | February 2, 2022

After emerging as an outperformer in early 2021, the Central and Eastern European region is set to face an eventful year in 2022. This year should see brisk growth as the region’s economies recover from the pandemic. We expect consumer spending to boost growth in the later part of the year, while industry now appears to have turned the corner and is set for a strong 2022. But the recovery will be uneven, with a variety of downside risks threatening to make it bumpy. In the webinar, we will discuss our outlook for the CEE region, paying particularly close attention to the downside risks: persistently high inflation driven by structural factors, political uncertainty, input shortages and slower supply chain recovery. We will also cover the outlook for monetary and fiscal policies in the CEE, focusing on the hawkish turn of the region’s central banks and the disbursement of the NGEU funds.

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Understanding climate change from a global to local perspective

with Alex Mackle, Barbara Byrne Denham and Ben Wright | Online | January 28, 2022

Join us as we bring together important perspectives and analysis on climate change for US policy-makers and business decision-makers. Lead Economist Alex Mackle will explain our recent research on modelling the economic impact of climate change, climate change scenarios, and our new Global Climate Service. Senior Economist Barbara Denham will discuss the potential impact on population growth and demographics for US states and metros. Ben Wright, Senior Research Manager for Thought Leadership, will share key findings and best practices from our most recent studies with SAP, the Consumer Technology Association, and EY on how companies should re-think their approach to climate change and make their operations more sustainable.

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European tourism recovery to continue apace in 2022 – ETC 2021 Q4 trends and prospects

with Dave Goodger and Adam Sacks | Online | January 27, 2022

Cross-border travel recovery has stalled during winter months following the re-imposition of some travel restrictions and lockdown measures following the emergence of the Omicron variant. However, restrictions are not as limiting as in previous waves and will also be lifted sooner to allow a resumption of travel growth. In this webinar we will explore the latest data and travel trends, including prospects for the resumption of intra-European and long-haul travel with a focus on the expected importance of transatlantic travel for various destinations in coming years.

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Russia and Ukraine: Geneva stalemate isn’t an endgame

with Tatiana Orlova and Gabriel Sterne | Online | January 26, 2022

Russian and Ukrainian markets have probably overreacted to the apparent failure of the Geneva talks between the US and Russia. Geopolitical risks in the region remain elevated. But given the high potential cost of a military action, we believe Russia is more interested in continuing negotiations with the US and Nato than in attacking Ukraine.

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When the taps run dry: Egypt’s susceptibility to capital outflows

with Callee Davis | Online | January 25, 2022

Portfolio inflows have become central in funding Egypt’s external position – a sudden reversal spells trouble for the North African nation. In this webinar we show how Egypt’s foreign reserve buffer would be impacted by a sudden deterioration in emerging market sentiment, what this would mean for the Egyptian pound, and how this might impede some of the economic reform progress made so far.

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Bond yields to peak this year

with Javier Corominas and Daniel Grosvenor | Online | January 24, 2022

In our first webinar of the year, our strategists Javier Corominas and Daniel Grosvenor discuss key global macro themes, including, why we believe yields will soon peak even as real rates have risen, why equities are poised to deliver positive returns again this year despite a near-term wobble, and our view of a softer US Dollar, which should allow for a strong performance across EM local assets.

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Investment and innovation opportunities from a net zero energy transition

with Felicity Hannon | Online | January 18, 2022

Achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 will require a radical transformation of the whole economy. But it also creates a unique opportunity to boost private investment and innovation. In this webinar Felicity will present Oxford Economics' new Net Zero Transformation scenario which explores some of the potential upside risks from the transition to net zero emissions by 2050. We assume that prevailing market inefficiencies are eliminated, and private investors grow confident that they can generate profits on green investment. This demand stimulus boosts long run productivity through improved resource allocation, reduced environmental damages and greater innovation.

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Climate Change: Why knowing your supply chain is important

with Pete Collings | Online | December 22, 2021

COVID-19 has demonstrated the fragility of supply chains. Globalisation has seen supply chains become longer and longer, and reach the furthest corners of the world economy. Knowing where your supply chain goes is of increasing importance to not only help guard against risk, but also for companies to see the composition of their environmental footprint, and potentially take actions to change it.

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High conviction global strategy calls for 2022

with Javier Corominas, Daniel Grosvenor and Regis Chatellier | Online | December 15, 2021

In our final webinar for the year, our strategists Javier Corominas, Daniel Grosvenor and Regis Chatellier will discuss our highest conviction calls across bonds, currencies and equities, both in DM and EM markets. 2021 has proved to be a year of twists and turns, as we moved from early to mid-cycle, reflation to stagflation concerns, amid ever present Covid-19 risks. We expect 2022 to bring challenges and increased opportunities for investors as policy differentiation takes hold and economic performance varies across markets, geographies and thus asset classes.

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