Events and Webinars

We run a worldwide programme of insightful conferences, roundtables, webinars and podcasts presented by our economic experts.


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Showing 501-520 of 583
Asia Pacific cities and regions: consumer spending and office-based employment in 2021 and out to 2035

Online | July 14, 2021

Asia Pacific and many of its cities are doing much to help lead the global recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. In this webinar we will look to see what that means for consumer spending and office-based employment in the region and its cities. We will ask how those factors may change in 2021 and out to 2035. Where will the spending be concentrated? And on what? Where will the new office jobs be? Will more of the region’s big cities come to challenge the likes of New York, London and Paris? And are there any cities and regions to watch?

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Reputation and sustainability: Challenges for EM fiscal policies

Online | July 1, 2021

Our analysis will challenge preconceptions on which EM governments can be trusted to pursue sufficient fiscal adjustment. Covid-19 will leave a legacy of higher debt stocks, and announced fiscal adjustment paths vary in ambition. We demonstrate which EMs will suffer most under a global stagflation shock, and reveal which deserve the best and worst reputation for sticking to fiscal targets over the last decade.

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The drive towards a greener future: Where does Africa fit in?

Online | June 29, 2021

The recent spike in commodity prices is largely attributable to supply constraints and supply-chain disruptions. Yet, some commodities will be key in the green transition and may thus experience sustained demand growth in the long term. This webinar will focus on these commodities in an African context by showing where they are currently being mined, and we investigate the potential role that the continent may play in the green revolution. We also look at how South Africa has been one of the world’s biggest beneficiaries of the commodity boom, but suggest that its current mineral profile isn’t particularly future-proof.

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ETC tourism trends and prospects: 2021 Q2 webinar

Online | June 23, 2021

European Tourism Trends & Prospects is a series of quarterly reports that offer a concise analysis of key economic and tourism trends in Europe and in relevant outbound markets. Quarterly reports are meant to provide the know-how necessary to monitor the short-term development of European tourism.

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Eurozone economy ready to take off

Online | June 22, 2021

After a long period of restrictions which sent the eurozone economy into a double-dip recession, the outlook is finally brightening and activity looks ready to take off. An improved medical situation and the acceleration in the vaccination process will allow European economies to reopen, leading to a strong period of growth for the remainder of the year. As the economy recovers, inflation concerns are gradually replacing growth concerns, but we still expect eurozone inflation to remain moderate beyond the temporary rise in prices seen this year.

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Commodity prices surge: where are the risks in terms of inflation and supply?

Online | June 17, 2021

Topic: Commodity prices have risen sharply in the first half of this year. How quickly can supply react and how serious is the threat of higher inflation?​ We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: EMEA - Friday 18th June | 10:00 BST Americas - Friday 18th June | 16:00 EDT APAC - Friday 18th June | 10:00 HKT

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Assessing the risk of an inflation regime change

Online | June 16, 2021

Inflation in advanced economies is set to rise this year to the highest rate in a decade. This has sparked fears of a shift to a high inflation regime which could feature inflation persistently above 5% and with very different dynamics. Such a shift would have profound consequences for economies and financial markets. In this webinar, we explore the risks of such an outcome, drawing lessons from past shifts in regime change.

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Russia: Persistent price pressures justify monetary tightening

Online | June 15, 2021

In Russia, recent economic indicators corroborate the narrative of a V-shaped recovery. The authorities are concerned about a mismatch between rapidly recovering demand and lagging supply. In May, headline inflation increased to 6.0% y/y, two percentage points above the CBR’s inflation target. In these circumstances, the CBR’s choice to front-load its monetary tightening is understandable. We expect it to remain in hawkish mode until the year ends.

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Global industry overview: recovery to rotate towards consumer services

Online | June 9, 2021

We have raised our global sector forecasts again this quarter and maintain a relatively upbeat outlook about the pace of the economic recovery. While recent Covid-related developments confirm that the pandemic is far from over, the economic data have continued to paint a positive picture. We project that the easing of restrictions across much of the world will prompt growth to rotate away from manufacturing, finance, and tech, and towards hard-hit consumer services such as travel and hospitality from Q2 2021.

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June FOMC meeting: “Transitory” or “sticky” inflation? That is the question for the Fed

Online | June 9, 2021

Fed officials assert the recent surge in inflation will be transitory, but are they being “dangerously complacent” as Larry Summers affirms? Much will depend on how long it takes to resolve supply imbalances in the goods and labor markets. Vice Chairman Clarida sounding a bit more concerned said officials will be highly “attuned and attentive” to incoming economic data. The June FOMC meeting will offer a critical assessment of the evolving economic dynamics measured against the Fed’s new Flexible Average Inflation Target (FAIT) framework.

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Travel in 2021: the recovery starts here

Online | June 9, 2021

Activity is picking up in some key markets around the world as travel restrictions are easing for both domestic and international travel. The northern hemisphere summer should see large jumps in leisure demand, and especially for domestic and short-haul travel, while event calendars are starting to fill up which should drive further travel activity. Tourism Economics’ latest global outlook and the timing for a return to pre-pandemic levels, will be described, as well as upside opportunities and key risks.

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Global scenarios: Consumer boom

Online | June 8, 2021

Recent months have seen rising hopes of a consumer boom as savings accumulated during the pandemic are unwound. We examine this key upside risk, as analysed in the latest Global Scenarios Service, as well as potential threats to the global economy from the pandemic and inflation.

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City tourism: the slow road to recovery

Online | May 27, 2021

City destinations have been harder hit by the pandemic to date due to a typical reliance on more international and business travel while leisure travellers have sought out less crowded destinations, with more available outdoor activities in the early stages of recovery. Current impacts and expected future trends will be discussed in this session, looking at cities relative to wider travel demand, as well as a ranking of top destination cities.

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Workforce composition and economic productivity in Africa

Online | May 25, 2021

Much has been said about the ‘demographic dividend’: how disposable income increases as the dependency ratio in a country goes down. Less work has been done on the influence of demographic changes – specifically, a maturing workforce – on economic productivity. This webinar will summarise a simplified analysis of how, in developed countries, the maturing of the demographic profile has been associated with increased economic productivity. Next, we will go over the demographic forecasts for Africa and consider what they may mean for future economic output on the

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Tracking the recovery across European cities

Online | May 24, 2021

The impact of the pandemic has been uneven across European city economies and the path to recovery will also vary. In this session, we will explore how cities have fared across the continent and present key themes shaping the outlook.

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UK Macro, Cities and Industry Outlook

Online | May 20, 2021

Spring appears to have firmly sprung for the UK economy, with the speedy rollout of vaccines and a relaxation of restrictions promising a rapid rebound in activity from 2020’s Covid-related slump. But the outlook for the economy is hardly short of uncertainties. To what extent will households dip into savings accumulated during lockdowns and fuel a hoped-for consumer rebound? Will a resurgence of inflation prove a spectre at the feast? How worried should we be about the dangers of persistent “scarring” to the economy’s capacity as a result of the pandemic? And how will the housing market fare in a post-Covid world? Join us, as we explore these questions, and more, from a macro, sectoral and regional perspective.

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European retail and consumer spending outlook and trends in the post-COVID world

Online | May 19, 2021

The pandemic has caused fundamental shifts in the macroeconomy and consumer behaviour across Europe. But are these trends here to stay and what is the consumer outlook over the short and medium-term? In this session, we will explore the big picture macro and consumer & retail sales outlook, prospects for excess savings fuelling a mini consumer boom, changing composition of consumer spending, the rise of online shopping vs in-store, tourism developments related to the consumer sector and the sub-national regional patterns of consumer spending.

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Goldilocks global recovery? Consumers will decide

Online | May 18, 2021

Our forecast for global GDP growth has been revised up again to 6.3% in 2021 and 4.6% in 2022, while the outlook for inflation remains relatively benign. Despite our optimistic outlook relative to other forecasters, we are mindful of the upside risks that the estimated $4.7trn of excess saving sitting with advanced economy households represents. We explore two upside scenarios related to the spending of these savings and the possibility that it may lead to overheating in parts of the global economy.

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LatAm Strategy: Why we should look beyond the political noise

Online | May 17, 2021

The political climate in Latin America has sharply deteriorated, the Covid crisis acting as a catalyst for anti-corruption protests and claims for social equalities. But beyond politics and sometimes turbulent elections, the economic factors may have the last word and we highlight where there are investment opportunities.

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