Events and Webinars

We run a worldwide programme of insightful conferences, roundtables, webinars and podcasts presented by our economic experts.


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Showing 501-520 of 614
Air passenger recovery to begin in earnest in 2022

Online | November 2, 2021

New quarterly forecasts for major flows will be described in this look at the extent of the recovery in air passenger flows. Growth over the northern hemisphere summer months will be compared as well as the expected trends into 2022 and beyond. The implications of vaccination rates and associated policies will be described for a range of countries as we look ahead to continued recovery in international and domestic demand. Long-run demand and pricing effects will also be considered, including possible carbon price impacts. Please note that we will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: APAC - Tuesday 2nd November | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Tuesday 2nd November | 10:00 GMT Americas - Tuesday 2nd November | 16:00 EDT

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Latin America: the key themes that will shape the region’s outlook in 2022

Online | November 1, 2021

Topic: As the easy gains from the reopening fade and policy support is quickly withdrawn, Latin America is headed towards its old equilibrium of low trend growth in 2022. Please join our Chief LatAm Economist, Marcos Casarin, as he discusses the challenges around a possible disorderly withdrawal of stimulus and the risks of social unrest and institutional deterioration in the region. A special focus will be given to the inflation outlook and the implications to monetary policy.

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[Webinar] 世界経済の展望と回復へのリスク

Online | October 29, 2021

2021年10月29日に「世界経済の展望と回復へのリスク」をテーマとして、日本語のウェビナーを開催いたします。 今次日本語ウェビナーでは、2022年にかけての世界経済を展望し、今年よりは幾分減速しながらもしっかりとした回復が続くという弊社見通しに対する主なリスクを議論します。具体的には、①米国経済のスタグフレーション・リスク、②FEDの政策見通しと円の行方、③サプライチェーン問題の先行き、④中国恒大問題の影響、⑤新しい資本主義論をどう考えるべきか、といったテーマをカバー出来ればと考えております。

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Seeds sown for Australian apartment recovery

Online | October 27, 2021

The outlook for the apartment sector has brightened over 2021. The latest data points suggest the sector has passed the trough. The return of investors, the reopening of the international border and an affordability-based shift toward apartments in some cities will underpin unit prices outpacing houses over the coming years. A strong pipeline of institutional programs, the impending completion of major new public transport links across Australia’s major cities, and an emergent build-to-rent sector further cement this rosy outlook.

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All politics is local: South Africa’s local government elections

Online | October 26, 2021

South Africans vote to renew their municipal governments on November 1. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) and the official opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) are both in poor shape, but will minor parties be able to make the most of the opportunity presented by this weakness? In this webinar we will discuss the results of the previous local government elections in 2016 (especially the messy coalition rule in key cities that ensued), lay out the current state of the important parties, look at minor ones and independents, and consider the key question of expected turnout. We will then set out what all of this means for the likely composition of municipal councils in the country’s metropolitan areas for the coming five years, before we conclude by considering what that might mean for the business environment. We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: APAC - Tuesday 26th October | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Tuesday 26th October | 10:00 BST (11:00 SAST) Americas - Tuesday 26th October | 16:00 EDT

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European tourism recovery and evolving trends – ETC 2021 Q3

Online | October 20, 2021

European Tourism Trends & Prospects is a series of quarterly reports that offer a concise analysis of key economic and tourism trends in Europe and in relevant outbound markets. Quarterly reports are meant to provide the know-how necessary to monitor the short-term development of European tourism. Please note that the webinar is hosted by ETC, with Tourism Economics. Topic: In this quarterly webinar with ETC, we will explore the extent of the tourism recovery during summer 2021 and consider the extent to which this represents a return to pre-pandemic trends. Lasting changes in preferences and industry business, including the prospect of continued price discounting, will be explored. EMEA - Wednesday 20th October| 13:30 BST Can't make this time? Register anyway and we'll send you the recording after the webinar automatically.

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The new post-covid long-term looks much like the old one

Online | October 19, 2021

Topic: How has the coronavirus pandemic affected the long-term outlook for world growth? We outline how we have become more optimistic about the extent of the long-term damage the pandemic will cause to world GDP over the last year - but also how we still see the rate of world growth in the long-term being modest. Key structural headwinds to growth that we identified before the pandemic remain in place, and we identify new downside risks created by the pandemic. We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: APAC - Tuesday 19th October | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Tuesday 19th October | 10:00 BST Americas - Tuesday 19th October | 16:00 EDT

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Global Strategy Webinar: Opportunities amidst the uncertainty

Online | October 18, 2021

Topic: We explain why our asset allocation remains overweight global equities despite slowing global growth, stickier than expected inflation and rising event risks. We highlight our key country and sector calls and identify areas of possible mispricing in the context of our global macro views. We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: APAC - Monday 18th October | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Monday 18th October | 10:00 BST Americas - Monday 18th October | 16:00 EDT

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Recession, recovery and a return to normal? The outlook for key cities in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America

Online | October 14, 2021

This round-up of forecasts and analysis from Oxford Economics' various city services will summarise what recent evidence implies for short and medium-term prospects. When will we get back to normal? What does normal now mean?We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: APAC - Thursday 14th October | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Thursday 14th October | 10:00 BST Americas - Thursday 14th October | 16:00 EDT

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The Economics of Climate Change

Online | October 6, 2021

Our Global Climate Service explores the economic consequences of climate change. Using the recent enhancements to our Global Economic Model we explore three scenarios that look at both the potential physical risks from climate change as well as the potential consequences of transitioning to a low carbon economy.

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Boosting returns on EM bonds through term-premia

Online | October 5, 2021

During this webinar, we highlight a simple trading rule we have developed internally based on the size of term-premia across 15 EMs, which can boost hedged and unhedged returns on local currency bonds without suffering much increase in volatility. Our main innovation comes in using a unique proprietary data set of vintages of Oxford Economics short-term interest rate forecasts for each of the last 45 quarters. Please note that we will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between EMEA, the Americas and APAC: APAC - Tuesday 5th October | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Tuesday 5th October | 10:00 BST Americas - Tuesday 5th October | 16:00 EDT

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Asset Management Executive Roundtable – Autumn 2021

Online | September 29, 2021

Oxford Economics is pleased to formally invite you to our flagship, annual Asset Management Executive Roundtable – Autumn 2021. This event will be held on September 29th at 10:00 AM EDT/14:00 GMT as well as September 30th at 10:00 HKT (12:00 AEST).This year’s event will be via webinar, but with a limited audience, to ensure that we have an interactive discussion. The event will be led by several Senior Economists from Oxford Economics and will cover a range of topics, including: Is this set to be the most volatile and uneven global recovery in recent history? What could knock advanced economies out of the low inflation/rates equilibrium? Is Fed tapering a non-event? What are the market implications of moving to mid-cycle? How worried should we be about US-China de-coupling? Our panel of senior economists and strategists, from around the world, will include the following:

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What can alternative data tell us about relative economic performance?

Online | September 29, 2021

Topic: The speed with which the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the global economy forced economists to supplement their ‘traditional’ data sources with unconventional indicators. By tracking mobility data, stringency of restrictions indices and health outcomes and their relationship with GDP, employment and other key outcomes, we can now see in near-real time the economic fallout of the pandemic. The emergence of the Delta variant has made this intelligence invaluable. Asian countries with low tolerance levels for COVID are seeing growth momentum soften (and even reverse, in the case of Australia and New Zealand), while high vaccination rates have enabled an easing of restrictions in Europe and North America. In this webinar our Chief Economist, Dr Sarah Hunter and the Regional Manager for Macrobond Ian Hissey will discuss what we’ve learnt about the impact of COVID and restrictions on national economies over the last 18 months, what the alternative indicators tell us about current economic conditions, and how the recovery may evolve from here. Please note that we will be holding one webinar each for Americas, APAC and EMEA friendly time zones: APAC - Wednesday 29th September| 13:00 AEST EMEA - Thursday 30th September | 10:00 BST Americas - Thursday 30th September| 16:00 EST

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Post-pandemic borrowing spree, the taper troll and shifting idiosyncratic risk spaces

Online | September 28, 2021

Topic: The highly accommodative external policy space provided a warm welcome to African creditors eager to tap global markets in the post-pandemic era. However, the FOMC signalled that it will soon embark on a path of ‘dovish tapering’ of its asset purchase programme, while we estimate that the golden era of global commodity price support has already started to wane. The concomitant receding global liquidity support and thinning visible trade surpluses are due to coincide with a double-down in pandemic-related external funding requirements as private sector recovery underperforms. We assess the shifts in the various pillars of risk for a number of hard-currency hopefuls and sketch out some of the funding avenues that these countries may explore. Please note that we will be holding one webinar each for APAC, EMEA and the Americas friendly time zones: APAC - Tuesday 28th September | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Tuesday 28th September | 10:00 BST (11:00 SAST) Americas - Tuesday 28th September | 16:00 EDT

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Mid-cycle dynamics: Assessing the macro strategy implications

Online | September 20, 2021

Topic: We discuss the implications of the Jackson Hole symposium, and recent developments for macro strategy themes. We focus on the outlook for developed market rates, bond yields and FX. With tempered volatility, we believe we have now set a floor for this year in various asset markets, including long-term yields and the US Dollar. We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: APAC - Monday 20th September | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Monday 20th September | 10:00 BST Americas - Monday 20th September | 16:00 EDT

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Commodity markets face headwinds from China and OPEC. Can bulls reassert control?

Online | September 16, 2021

Topic: Diverging price trends across commodity markets suggest that fundamentals are back in the driving seat. Will demand be strong enough to cope with rising supply for oil, iron ore and copper in the year ahead?We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas APAC - Thursday 16th September | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Thursday 16th September | 10:00 BST Americas - Thursday 16th September | 16:00 EDT

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Global outlook: Consumers are key to economic fortunes in 2022

Online | September 15, 2021

Topic: Next year, we expect the strength of global economic growth to increasingly be driven by demand-side developments, in stark contrast to the past two years when shifts in activity restrictions have been the dominant force. In this webinar, we assess the likely drivers of the recovery in 2022 as well as the likely underlying strength of the expansion. We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between APAC, EMEA and the Americas: APAC - Wednesday 15th September | 10:00 HKT EMEA - Wednesday 15th September | 10:00 BST Americas - Wednesday 15th September | 16:00 EDT

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