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Impffortschritt und nachlassende Lieferengpässe bringen 2022 neuen Wachstumsschwung

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Thema: Im europäischen Vergleich fiel der deutschen Wirtschaft dieses Jahr zunehmend die Rolle des Nachzüglers zu. Zwar legte die Politik mit ihren Fiskalimpulsen und den anfänglichen Impferfolgen ein robustes Konjunkturfundament, jedoch brachten erhebliche Lieferengpässe und stark steigende Energiepreise die Industrie ins Straucheln. Zudem dürfte die vierte Infektionswelle der Konsumerholung ein jähes Ende bereiten. Dennoch erwarten wir, dass sich das Wachstum nach einem schwachen Winterhalbjahr zunehmend belebt. Wobei insbesondere die Industrie neue Impulse setzen sollte, sobald die Lieferengpässe nachlassen. Unsere Referenten:

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2022: Prospettive economiche per l’Eurozona

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Giunti alla fine del 2021, un’anno che ha confermato le aspettative di una robusta crescita, e con il 2022 ormai alle porte vorremmo analizzare le tematiche che caratterizzeranno ed influenzeranno il quadro macroeconomico nel corso del nuovo anno: dalla rinnovata prospettiva di crescita sostenuta dai consumi privati, passando per i rischi al ribasso legati alle difficolta’ di approvvigionamento lungo la catena del valore, per poi concentrarci sull’inflazione, che rimane l’argomento piu’ dibattuto e che sara’ il fattore chiave da tenere sotto osservazione ad inizio 2022.Parleremo di tutto questo senza ovviamente dimenticare la lenta uscita dalla crisi dovuta al Coronavirus, aiutata si dalle massicce campagne vaccinali ma che proprio in questi giorni si deve scontrare con la diffusione della nuova variante Omnicron che potrebbe portare a delle turbolenze anche in campo economico.

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[Podcast] The Macrocast: May 2021

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Episode 3 features discussions about how we’re including data on global warming in our economic forecasts (0:38), the latest on coronavirus developments (7:03), and the potential threat of overheating in some economies as a tsunami of consumer spending is unleashed while governments continue to prime the stimulus pump (11.24).About Oxford Economics Macrocast: Hosted by Julia Faurschou, each month we’ll discuss some of the key themes driving the macro economic agenda. Featuring interviews with top Oxford Economists, we’ll dig into our research pipeline to tell you what’s on our minds and what we’ll be writing about in the coming weeks. By tuning in each month, listeners will get an early picture of what to watch out for and the thinking behind our research.

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Canada Economic Podcast – November 2021

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Tony Stillo, Director of Economics for Canada, and fellow Economist, Michael Davenport discuss the state of Canada’s labour market recovery. In their conversation they emphasize that while Canada has now surpassed its pre-virus level of employment, a closer look at the labour market and broader measures suggest some slack remains and there’s still room before the recovery is complete. Additionally, they discuss growing reports of labour shortages in some sectors.

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[Podcast] The Macrocast: April 2021

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Episode 2 features discussions about inflation and secular stagnation (1:01), the latest on coronavirus developments (9:44), and lastly the causes and implications of hot housing markets in North America and the UK (17:16).

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US macro, industries, and regions webinar – when strong demand meets limited supply

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The economy's hot summer has given way to cooler growth dynamics in the final weeks of 2021. Demand is strong, but supply is the problem as firms across industries face transportation bottlenecks, input shortages, high production costs, and hard times filling persistent job vacancies. Economic activity is advancing at various speeds across regions, with some hit harder by the Delta variant. Join us to learn what we think is in store for the US economy – with a focus on the path forward for industries – into the medium-term.

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2025, che anno sarà?

with Nicola Nobile and Paolo Grignani | Online |

Nel 2025, l'economia globale ed europea dovrà affrontare una combinazione di rischi già noti e nuove incertezze. Da un lato, i fattori geopolitici continueranno a pesare, mentre dall'altro la nuova amministrazione USA, il rallentamento dell'economia cinese e le dinamiche politiche in Francia e Germania contribuiranno ad accrescere il clima di instabilità

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