Global Cities Service
Make decisions about market and investment strategies with historical data and forecasts for 900 of the world’s most important cities.
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Our Global Cities Service provides detailed historical data and forecasts for 900 cities across the world. Cities are defined on a consistent basis, which allows direct comparisons to be drawn on their structure, performance and outlook. Information is provided for a broad range of economic and demographic indicators.
Detailed forecasts for global cities
Our Global Cities Service helps clients to make decisions about market and investment strategies, secure in the knowledge that they are comparing cities on a like-for-like basis.

Broad global coverage
Forecasts for 900 cities in 164 countries, consistent with our country and industry forecasts.

Extensive datasets for each location
Consistent and comparable annual data and forecasts for GDP and employment, demographics, income and consumer spending.

Long-term forecasts
The data generally refer back to 2000, and the forecast horizon is 2040.

Advanced analytical functions
Our databank allows you to quickly build custom queries with a high level of flexibility.
Comparable data for all cities
Consistent definitions of cities, sectors, and income and spending profiles allow comparisons to be drawn between cities globally.

Service features
- Forecasts are accompanied by summary reports highlighting key messages.
- Web-based application and add-ins. Our Global Data Workstation is a web-based application that provides a variety of data selection, visualisation, and personalisation features.
- Our Excel Data Workstation is a simple but powerful add-in for accessing our data directly within Excel.
- Methodology report. Explanation of data sources, definitions and forecast methods.

Service benefits
- Better decisions, faster. Our Global Cities Service helps you to make the best decisions about market and investment strategies.
- Confidence. Our forecasts are derived from a consistent set of global economic, industry and city models and will help you to move forward with confidence.
- Excellent customer service. We offer our clients a comprehensive customer support with full access to our experienced economists and IT support team.

Indicators included and geographic coverage
The service covers 900 cities globally, including 102 in Africa, 29 in the Middle East, 324 in Asia, 232 in Europe, 202 in the Americas and the Caribbean, and 11 in Oceania.
Indicators included in the service are, besides others:
- GDP by sector
- Employment by sector
- Population by age cohort
- Income indicators
- Consumer spending by product/service
Please fill out the form below to request more information about the service and its coverage

Global Cities Index
Oxford Economics is proud to launch the Global Cities Index, a ground-breaking initiative that offers comprehensive evaluation of the world’s 1,000 largest urban economies. This comprehensive index, developed by a team of leading economists, provides unparalleled insights into the multifaceted nature of urban environments worldwide.

“Oxford Economics’ data and forecasts form the backbone of our demand models. The global consistency and granular detail available in their expansive dataset allows us to focus on the variables most relevant to our business.”
Resources and events

Research Briefing
Housing affordability lowest in Greek, Danish, and German cities

Research Briefing
Parsing US federal job cuts by metro

Research Briefing
Trump’s tariffs pose uneven subnational risks across the EU

Research Briefing
Life sciences in a post-Covid-19 transition in the US

Global Cities: Searching for growth opportunities in an uncertain future

Nordics: Growing tailwinds to support economic recovery

Key Findings from the 2024 Global Cities Index

Cities in the medium term: we pick the likely winners and losers over the next five years

Global Cities Service Brochure
Request a Free Trial
Complete the form and we will contact you to set up your free trial. Please note that trials are only available for qualified users.
We are committed to protecting your right to privacy and ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. We will not share your personal information with other individuals or organisations without your permission.
Download the brochure for the Global Cities Service
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