2024年欧洲区域关键主题 – 脆弱的复苏将获得动力
日期: 2023 年 12 月 7 日 星期四
在 2023 年陷入停滞之后,我们预计欧元区经济的齿轮将在 2024 年重新开始缓慢转动,并随着时间的推移获得更大的动力。 我们的主要呼吁是加快通货紧缩,再加上增长前景疲软,这将促使欧洲央行比市场预期更早、更有力地实现政策正常化。 这反过来又会有助于迎来更强劲的消费增长。 但潜在的阻力也很多–迫在眉睫的财政整顿、可能的供应冲击或滞后效应都会阻碍经济活动。

Tomas Dvorak
Senior Economist
+44 (0) 203 910 8150

Tomas Dvorak
Senior Economist
London, United Kingdom
Tomas is a Senior Economist in the Macro and Investor Services’ eurozone team. He oversees the coverage of Central and Eastern Europe in addition to producing thematic research on the eurozone and developing modern, data-driven approaches to economic forecasting, including the use of alternative and high-frequency data.
Tomas holds an MA in economics from the University of Glasgow and an MSc in economics from the University College London. He previously worked as a data scientist at KPMG and as an advisor in the European Parliament.